Migrations are a key part of working with an SQL database. Each migration defines changes to the schema of your database that can be either applied or rolled back. You’ll typically create new migrations each time you want to make a change to your database, so that you can keep track of all the changes you’ve made over time.

Creating a migration

You can create a new migration using the CLI.

alchemy make:migration MyMigration

This will create a new migration file in Sources/App/Migrations.

Implementing Migrations

A migration conforms to the Migration protocol and is implemented by filling out the up and down functions. up is run when a migration is applied to a database. down is run when a migration is rolled back.

up and down are passed a Schema object representing the schema of the database to which this migration will be applied. The database schema is modified via functions on Schema.

For example, this migration renames the user_todos table to todos. Notice the down function does the reverse. You don’t have to fill out the down function of a migration, but it may be useful for rolling back the operation later.

struct RenameTodos: Migration {
    func up(schema: Schema) {
        schema.rename(table: "user_todos", to: "todos")

    func down(schema: Schema) {
        schema.rename(table: "todos", to: "user_todos")

Schema functions

Schema has a variety of useful builder methods for doing various database migrations.

Creating a table

You can create a new table using Schema.create(table: String, builder: (inout CreateTableBuilder) -> Void).

The CreateTableBuilder comes packed with a variety of functions for adding columns of various types & modifiers to the new table.

schema.create(table: "users") { table in
    table.uuid("mom").references("id", on: "users")

Adding Columns

You may add a column onto a table builder with functions like .string() or .int(). These define a named column of the given type and return a column builder for adding modifiers to the column.

Supported builder functions for adding columns are

Table Builder FunctionsColumn Builder Functions
.uuid(_ column: String).default(expression: String)
.int(_ column: String).default(val: String)
.string(_ column: String).notNull()
.increments(_ column: String).unique()
.double(_ column: String).primary()
.bool(_ column: String).references(_ column: String, on table: String)
.date(_ column: String)
.json(_ column: String)

Adding Indexes

Indexes can be added via .addIndex. They can be on a single column or multiple columns and can be defined as unique or not.

schema.create(table: "users") { table in
    table.addIndex(columns: ["email"], unique: true)

Indexes are named by concatinating table name + columns + “key” if unique or “idx” if not, all joined with underscores. For example, the index defined above would be named users_email_key.

Altering a Table

You can alter an existing table with alter(table: String, builder: (inout AlterTableBuilder) -> Void).

AlterTableBuilder has the exact same interface as CreateTableBuilder with a few extra functions for dropping columns, dropping indexes, and renaming columns.

schema.alter(table: "users") {
    $0.bool("is_expired").default(val: false)
    $0.drop(column: "name")
    $0.drop(index: "users_email_key")
    $0.rename(column: "createdAt", to: "created_at")

Other schema functions

You can also drop tables, rename tables, or execute arbitrary SQL strings from a migration.

schema.drop(table: "old_users")
schema.rename(table: "createdAt", to: "created_at")
schema.raw("drop schema public cascade")

Running a Migration

To begin, you need to ensure that your migrations are registered on Database.default. You can should do this in your Application.boot function.

// Make sure to register a database with `Database.config(default: )` first!
Database.default.migrations = [

Via Command


You can then apply all outstanding migrations in a single batch by passing the migrate argument to your app. This will cause the app to migrate Database.default instead of serving.

# Applies all outstanding migrations
swift run Server migrate

Rolling Back

You can pass the --rollback flag to instead rollback the latest batch of migrations.

# Rolls back the most recent batch of migrations
swift run Server migrate --rollback

When Serving

If you’d prefer to avoid running a separate migration command, you may pass the --migrate flag when running your server to automatically run outstanding migrations before serving.

swift run Server --migrate

Note: Alchemy keeps track of run migrations and the current batch in your database in the migrations table. You can delete this table to clear all records of migrations.

Via Code


You may also migrate your database in code. The future will complete when the migration is finished.


Rolling Back

Rolling back the latest migration batch is also possible in code.
