Redis is an open source, in-memory data store than can be used as a database, cache, and message broker.

Alchemy provides first class Redis support out of the box, building on the extensive RediStack library.

Connecting to Redis

You can connect to Redis using the Redis type. You should register this type for injection in your Application.boot(). It conforms to Service so you can do so with the config function.

Redis.config(default: .connection("localhost"))

The intializer optionally takes a password and database index (if the index isn’t supplied, Redis will connect to the database at index 0, the default).

Redis.config(default: .connection(
    port: 6379,
    password: "P@ssw0rd",
    database: 1


If you’re using a Redis cluster, your client can connect to multiple instances by passing multiple Sockets to the initializer. Connections will be distributed across the instances.

Redis.config("cluster", .cluster(
    .ip("localhost", port: 6379),
    .ip("61.123.456.789", port: 6379),

Interacting With Redis

Redis conforms to RediStack.RedisClient meaning that by default, it has functions around nearly all Redis commands.

You can easily get and set a value.

// Get a value.
redis.get("some_key", as: String.self) // EventLoopFuture<String?>

// Set a value.
redis.set("some_int", to: 42) // EventLoopFuture<Void>

You can also increment a value.

redis.increment("my_counter") // EventLoopFuture<Int>

There are convenient extensions for just about every command Redis supports.

redis.lrange(from: "some_list", indices: 0...3)

Alternatively, you can always run a custom command via command. The first argument is the command name, all subsequent arguments are the command’s arguments.

redis.command("lrange", "some_list", 0, 3)


You can run a script via .eval(...).

Scripts are written in Lua and have access to 1-based arrays KEYS and ARGV for accessing keys and arguments respectively. They also have access to a redis variable for calling Redis inside the script. Consult the EVAL documentation for more information on scripting.

    local counter ="incr", KEYS[1])

    if counter > 5 then"incr", KEYS[2])

    return counter
    keys: ["key1", "key2"]

Pub / Sub

Redis provides publish and subscribe commands to publish and listen to various channels.

You can easily subscribe to a single channel or multiple channels.

redis.subscribe(to: "my-channel") { value in
    print("my-channel got: \(value)")

redis.subscribe(to: ["my-channel", "other-channel"]) { channelName, value in
    print("\(channelName) got: \(value)")

Publishing to them is just as simple.

redis.publish("hello", to: "my-channel")

If you want to stop listening to a channel, use unsubscribe.

redis.unsubscribe(from: "my-channel")

Wildcard Subscriptions

You may subscribe to wildcard channels using psubscribe.

redis.psubscribe(to: ["*"]) { channelName, value in
    print("\(channelName) got: \(value)")

redis.psubscribe(to: ["subscriptions.*"]) { channelName, value in
    print("\(channelName) got: \(value)")

Unsubscribe with punsubscribe.

redis.punsubscribe(from: "*")


Sometimes, you’ll want to run multiple commands atomically to avoid race conditions. Alchemy makes this simple with the transaction() function which provides a wrapper around Redis’ native MULTI & EXEC commands.

redis.transaction { conn in
        .flatMap { _ in